Thursday, February 16, 2017


Hello friends!
In case you're on tumblr (like me, tryina stay "hip wid da kids, yo"), the Angel has a tumblr site:

(link opens in new tab/ window)

It's pretty much just the comic, for behind-the-scenes stuff and all the other extras, stay tuned to this blog. (This is subject to change of course, but we'll see.)

Anyhoo - follow me on tumblr! DO IT.

What is it? (NSFW)

I googled "Micturating Angel" and I found this:

Kids, it's all about dental hygiene here, now innit?

It's hilariously brrrilliant - I don't get it, but it's awesome. It's WHY it's awesome. And it fits with the Angel too. Ha!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

New work on the Angel comic...

Hi everyone!

Long time no update. I've moved house, but am happy to say - work on the continuing adventures of the Angel(s) has begun.
Here's some photos from the new studio:

I hope Uncle gets better, but to me he seems very happy...